Interactive PDF: ONLINE MODULES will re-direct to WWW.ETEENLAB.COM
1 Class License: Unlimited Students
Note: This is an interactive PDF that the teacher and students can follow together. Look forward to engaging activities and super interesting video links to help our students become knowledgeable business leaders in the digital world. This can be facilitated as an enrichment course or a full-semester elective course. Multiple licenses will need to be purchased for multiple classes.
The High School Level Teen Entrepreneurship & Online Business (Internet Marketing) course guides.. how to brainstorm, create, and grow an exciting online business by harnessing the power of digital marketing (social media, email, SEO, ads, blogs, eCommerce platforms, websites, etc.) and truly teach teenagers what it takes to be an entrepreneur. It’s designed to strengthen critical thinking, improve communication skills, encourage integrity, teach leadership qualities, help teenagers become business savvy, and potentially grow a business to start earning money.
The course is designed to be facilitated by an instructor in a classroom setting or can be taken independently (self-paced). Instructors won’t need to teach anything. The course will provide information, clear instructions, and helpful videos. Instructors/teachers will, however, guide students through the included class activities which will be educational, fun, and engaging!
Once the full course material and videos are completed, students can continue developing and marketing their business with any remaining time in the semester. E-Teen Lab course will continue to be available for course content, support, link resources, and the Mastermind Forum at We hope your school or organization decides to offer this unique opportunity to your students. This is the only course, anywhere, that teaches this content to teenagers.
Introduction to The E-Teen Lab Course
Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Internet Safety First
Section 1: Business Exploration & Creation
Introduction To Niches
Niche Exploration
Exploring 5 Business Models (Intro to Digital Marketing)
Branding The Business - Name Creation
Creating Accounts - Online/Social Media Platforms
Developing A Business Plan and Setting Goals
Section 2: Content Creation and Marketing Strategies
Building a Website/Blog - The Foundations of Marketing
Creating Quality Content & Implementing SEO Strategies
Utilizing Free Image Content for Digital Marketing Purposes
Understanding The Power Of Video Content
Earn the E-Teen Course Certificate!
Section 3 (optional): Additional Business Models
Selling Handmade Items (Etsy)
Niche Photography Business
Wall-Art Canvas/Frames Pictures Online Business
Fiverr: Selling Your Services
Section 4 (optional): Bonus Content
Utilizing Google Analytics: Google Webmasters
Growing Instagram Followers
Ebooks - From Start To Publishing
Teaching Others How To Use Social Media
Set Up Your Legal Business Structure
Closing Notes
Special Links
Entrepreneur Terms (Glossary)
The Ten Rules For Entrepreneurship
Business Idea Generators
Media Consent and Social Media Permission
Instructor/Facilitator Notes
ETeen Sales Page
Teen Entrepreneur Activities and Class Projects
Course Syllabus & Format
Thank you for joining us on a mission to raise the next generation of leaders!
John (Eteen Lab & Kids Biz Labs)
1 License: Teen Course: Young Entrepreneurs - Start Online Businesses
This is an interactive PDF. It should be followed with students who have access to a laptop or desktop. Links to tutorial videos are included in the document.
License: Please purchase 1 license per classroom. Unlimited use in the classroom with the same students. We appreciate it!