Session 9:
Creating Quality Content & using SEO Strategies
Understanding Search Engines
Class Activity: Draft the First Blog Post
"I Have Spoken": In a circle, students get the opportunity to say as much (or as little) as they want about anything in 20 seconds. At the end of their time, they say, "I have spoken," and everyone replies "Ho!" Then the turn passes to the next person in the circle.
Class Activity: Draft Your First Blog Post
Blog Post: Time to post your first blog post in Wix. Head back to your WIX website editor. Maybe you can introduce yourself and what you will offer your audience and tell them what makes you different from the competition. What do you want to write about?
Craft your first blog post in Google DOCS.
Use appropriate keywords in the title and within the article.
Add an Image if you can find one that you like.
Publish your first Blog Post.
IF YOU HAVE WRITERS BLOCK, consider using an AI tool and writing assistant called ChatGPT.

What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a kind of artificial intelligence that has been trained on tons of text from the internet. This means it knows a lot about language and how to use it well. When you ask ChatGPT a question or give it a task, it can come up with answers that sound like they were written by a human.
How Can ChatGPT Help You?
Idea Generation: Need a fresh idea for a story or project? Give ChatGPT a topic, and it can suggest creative ideas to get you started.
Content Creation: Need help writing a blog post or a school essay? ChatGPT can write text based on your prompts to help you organize your thoughts and build your content.
Editing and Refinement: Want to make your writing sound better? ChatGPT can suggest ways to improve clarity and fix grammar mistakes.
Brainstorming and Collaboration: Working with others on a writing project? ChatGPT can suggest ideas and provide feedback to improve your work.
How to Use ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT is super easy. Just type in your question or prompt, and it will answer in seconds. Whether you need inspiration, help writing, or feedback, ChatGPT is always available to lend a hand.
Ethical Considerations
ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it's important to use it responsibly. Always check the AI's content to make sure it's accurate and true to your own style. Also, be honest with people about using AI to keep their trust.
Benefits of Using AI for Writing
Time-Saving: AI helps you get ideas and write faster, saving you time.
Enhanced Creativity: AI can inspire creative ideas and help you explore new topics.
Improved Quality: AI can improve your writing by suggesting better phrasing and fixing grammar.
Consistency: AI helps you keep the same style across all your writing.
How ChatGPT Can Help With Your Blog and Content Creation
Generating Ideas: ChatGPT can help you brainstorm ideas for blog posts by providing interesting suggestions based on topics you provide.
Outlining Content: Give ChatGPT a rough outline, and it can help fill in the details.
Writing Drafts: Need help drafting a blog post? ChatGPT can write a draft based on your prompts that you can refine and edit.
Editing and Refinement: ChatGPT can review your work and suggest improvements.
Guidelines for Effective Use
Clear Prompts: Give ChatGPT clear instructions to get useful answers.
Review and Edit: Always check the AI's work to ensure it's good quality.
Maintain Originality: Use ChatGPT to help you write, but always make sure your writing is unique.
Transparency: Be honest about using AI in your writing process.
Ethical Considerations
Originality: Always ensure your work is original and properly credit sources.
Transparency: Be open about any help you got from AI in your writing process.
Responsible Use: Don't use AI to create misleading or harmful content.
Practical Exercise
Now, it's your turn. Use ChatGPT to write a blog post or another piece of writing. Try different topics, styles, and prompts to see how AI can make writing easier and more fun.
Watch The Tutorial
Continue To Session 10 (Click Here)
Video Transcription
Creating Quality Content & Implementing SEO Strategies
Search engines (like Google) love fresh unique content. Updating your blog/website/social media sites often with new posts/articles will help get you listed on the search engines, but have patience.
Don’t forget about adding pictures and videos to make your site more exciting and engaging! People love photos and videos! If your site is mostly text, it will appear very uninteresting. Remember to RENAME the file names of the images and videos with keywords (before you upload them to your site) to match your niche.
SEO - Optimizing Your Content For Search Engines
“Keywords” are important! These are the words that people use to search on Google. For instance, if you are starting a new business to teach people how to play guitar online, your content title would include ‘How To Play Guitar”. You could even get more specific like...“How To Play Guitar Chords” in the title.
Then, in the article, be sure to list those keywords a few times sprinkled throughout the post. Google loves this. When someone searches on Google “How to play guitar chords”, Google may show them your website in the search results.
Let’s use another example. What if you are selling handmade cowboy hats? “Handmade cowboy hats” would be a good keyword, in general. What if these hats were for kids? Then your title should be more specific; “Handmade Cowboy Hats For Kids”. This new keyword phrase is called a Long-tailed Keyword.
Why is this important to understand? If the title is only “Hats for kids”, you would be competing in the search engines against thousands of other websites that are selling “hats for kids”. However, if you were to title your content “Handmade Cowboy Hats For kids” since it’s more specific, you may be found first. Google loves websites with great content, and niche targeted keywords! This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Why SEO is important
While paid advertising, social media, and other online platforms can generate traffic to websites, most online traffic is driven by search engines.
Tags/Hashtags - More SEO Opportunities
Keywords are sometimes called “TAGS”. Always use the maximum amount of keywords allowed in keyword/tag fields. For instance, when uploading a video to Youtube, you’ll be required to complete a description field before you can post a video.
Youtube provides other fields, like a tag field. Enter as many keywords as you can that are specifically related to your content. Maximize your SEO. In addition to using proper keywords in all of your content and titles, use #HASHTAGS on your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts. This will open your visibility to many others on the platform who share the same interests. It is a great way to start growing your followers.
What Does 'Hashtag' Mean? # = HASHTAG
A hashtag is simply a keyword phrase, spelled out without spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example, #doglovers, #chocolatemakers, #jewelryfad are hashtags. Place hashtags anywhere in your social media posts: in the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in between.
Continue To Session 10 (Click Here)